Quilled-Twisted Easel Card

Its my first time doing an Easel card, but with a twist….Yah….You got it right! Its a Twisted Easel card with little quilling.

Wanted to quill seasons’ based quilling for this Easel card and its an after thought purely. For Spring, i have quilled few flowery plants with a butterfly to get a freshy look and added “Bloomy”, Summer with sun and cactus, and added as “Sunny”, Autumn/Fall with withered leaves from trees and so “Leafy” and Winter with Snowman and snow as “Frosty”.

This card is for the following challenges:

ICR challenge 11
Lexi’s Creations Challenge 51- Just a Sentiment
KB cute Monday Challenge 31 – Anything goes!

Wish me Good Luck!

Happy Quilling!

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